Design work for 'The Edinburgh University Footlights' theatre productions (2018-2022)
The logo for Footlight's cancelled 2021 production
The logo for Footlight's cancelled 2021 production
The logo created for Footlight's 2019 production 'seven'
The logo created for Footlight's 2019 production 'seven'
An example headshot for Footlight's production 'seven'
An example headshot for Footlight's production 'seven'
The poster for Footlight's 2019 production based upon the seven deadly sins
The poster for Footlight's 2019 production based upon the seven deadly sins
A social media banner created for use at a fundraiser for Footlight's 2019 production of '9 to 5'
A social media banner created for use at a fundraiser for Footlight's 2019 production of '9 to 5'
The Poster for Footlight's 2022 Showchoir production 'Welcome to the Cabaret'
The Poster for Footlight's 2022 Showchoir production 'Welcome to the Cabaret'
Design work for Bedlam Theatre's productions (2019-2020)
The cast list featuring my logo for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Consent' (2020)
The cast list featuring my logo for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Consent' (2020)
The poster for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Bull' (2019)
The poster for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Bull' (2019)
The cast list for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Bull' (2019)
The cast list for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Bull' (2019)
The logo for a film production of 'The Record' (2020)
The logo for a film production of 'The Record' (2020)
The cover photo for social media publicity on Bedlam Theatre's production 'Consent' (2020)
The cover photo for social media publicity on Bedlam Theatre's production 'Consent' (2020)
Initial logo concepts for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Things I know to be True' (2019)
Initial logo concepts for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Things I know to be True' (2019)
Initial logo concepts for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Things I know to be True' (2019)
Initial logo concepts for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Things I know to be True' (2019)
The final logo for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Things I know to be True' (2019)
The final logo for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Things I know to be True' (2019)
An animated social media banner for Bedlam Theatre's production of 'Things I know to be True' (2019)
Animated digitally to recreate the textures and aesthetics of ink and watercolours.
Design work for 'The Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group (Eusog)'s
production of 'Into the Woods' (2019)
The poster created for Eusog's production of 'Into the Woods' using a sculptural book I created for the publicity
The poster created for Eusog's production of 'Into the Woods' using a sculptural book I created for the publicity
The cast list announcement for Eusog's production of 'Into the Woods'
The cast list announcement for Eusog's production of 'Into the Woods'
The social media banner for the 'Into the Woods' auditions, an edited photograph of sculptural books I created
The social media banner for the 'Into the Woods' auditions, an edited photograph of sculptural books I created
The programme cover for Eusog's production of 'Into the Woods', featuring the logo created for the show and designed to look like an old book
The programme cover for Eusog's production of 'Into the Woods', featuring the logo created for the show and designed to look like an old book
The trailer animated for Eusog's production of 'Into the Woods'
Animated in Stop-motion using sculptural books edited in After Effects (2019)

Illustration Work
Illustrations from a zine collection focussing on surreal out of context quotes from conversations, with a focus on making the words integral to the illustrations
Illustrations from a zine collection focussing on surreal out of context quotes from conversations, with a focus on making the words integral to the illustrations
A tattoo design done for a friend of their dog who passed
A tattoo design done for a friend of their dog who passed
A birthday card illustration commission
A birthday card illustration commission
A portrait illustration
A portrait illustration
An illustration for an elective course at university
An illustration for an elective course at university
Illustrations from a university project about subverting expectations
Illustrations from a university project about subverting expectations
Illustrations from a university project about subverting expectation
Illustrations from a university project about subverting expectation
A quick quirky illustration
A quick quirky illustration
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